MY STORY Hi. I'm Jennifer Roberts, a Premier Level V leader with my company. My journey began 15 years ago when I stepped away from a lucrative career in public health to raise my first daughter. I always thought I would go back to work once my kids were grown. However, after being a SAHM to my 3 daughters, I decided I was not willing to TRADE my TIME for MONEY. I knew that I needed to start contributing financially to the family but loathed the thought of going back to Corporate America. I was searching for an alternative. That is when I was introduced to my current company. I could not pass up the opportunity to partner with a billion dollar brand on their new global business venture targeting the $3.5 billion anti-aging skincare market. I am so thankful I took control of my time so that I can remain active in my kids schools and activities, all while contributing to my families bottom line. This business has given me time and financial freedom and allows me help others do the same.
If my story resonates with you or someone you know, let's connect and see how this business can be the vehicle to change.  |
My Skin StoryAfter years of using high quality department store skincare and reaching the young age of 37, my skin took a turn for the worse. With a busy schedule, three young kids and no time or energy to go to the mall to replenish my products, I began to grab skincare products at the grocery store! This was catastrophic for my skin and my noticeably aging face...I had frequent breakouts, redness, dry patches and uneven pigmentation. When I learned I could partner with the Doctors that created Proactiv (which I used in my 20's and had tremendous results), I realized that not only would I be starting my own business, but I would be saving my skin! Now at age 42, I have better skin than I did in my twenties!